To be honset, the reason i have not written in so long is because i have nothing funny left. sure i am still funny, but i simply have nothing left. i mean, do you really want to hear of my love of cheese? i suppose however you never really needed to know of a lot of the things that have been expressed on the "andy's got cancer and i care how he's doing, but i really look forward to his non-sensical rant much more" email.
anyway, my running out of things to say could not have come at a better time as i go into the hospital for the final time this weekend. hell's yeah!! that's right, my last treatment begins on saturday and ends on monday. while i do not know for sure if it is the same as last time i will be located on th 12th floor of sloan (enter through the 1275 york ave b/w 67/8 entrance - M elevators)....on saturday i may be somewhere else for part of the day (just call before you come).
from here, a couple more tests, a few weeks of rehab and i am back in the saddle.
ALSO, and this is very important, the PARTY celebrating me being cured/not being dead will be on Saturday August 4, 2007. It will be at my parents house in connecticut and will include a pool, a keg, activities and you and your loved ones. anyone and everyone is invited. i will remind you of this later in the summer, but mark your calendars now.