I have been receiving comments from some of you regarding my spelling and/or grammar. To those people I say, proof reading is like a lollipop, it's for suckers. I am of course a highly literate individual with an expansive vocabulary and I am (notice the parallel construction) looking to expanding it futher. I figure the easiest way to do this is to make up my own words. Therefore, i am proposing "Ellios" as a verb.
To Ellios = to burn the top of one's mouth
As long as we're within the pneumbra of English class, I am of the opinion that if one reads 400+ pages over a week and a half, the book should be over. If I read that many pages I want to have reached the climax and denouement, I do not want to have 300 more pages to go. In any event, the book is very good (Shantaram)
Also, I must make a confession reagarding Ms. San Diego. The truth is I made the whole thing up. I did not see her. I made up the t-shirt (though it is a good idea) and i am sorry for getting your hopes up.
Lastly, I would like to welcome those of you who have found my blog outside the network. We are reaching as far as colorado these days.
They call me Mr. Hot Pastrami.