There are many types of funny in this world. There's old man funny, who thinks the use of racial stereotypes is a real hootanany. There's mom funny, who generally thinks that forwards of any kind deliver endless humor. There's dad funny, there's dad funny, did i ever tell you the one about there being dad funny. Then, there are those who find Jay Leno funny. Not really sure how to classify these people, but I'll be sure not to use any big words. There's Dane Cook funny, well, there's Dane Cook. Then, there is stupid funny. This is a legitimate funny but is surely not for everyone. Leaders of this category include Will Ferell, Ben Stiller and old school Jim Carrey. There's dark funny led by the Royal Tennenbaums and of course, there is always real/actual funny; and many people who like the other categories also like real/actual funny. People who create real funny inlcude Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle and Jon Stewart.
While knowing what makes a person laugh might be an indicator of whether you will get along with a particular person, it is surely not determinative of that fact. However, there is one joke so dumb, so stupid, so outrageoulsy unoriginal that if you hear it, run for the hills (perhaps these are the sane people who like Jay Leno, I don't know since I've never met anyone who likes Jay Leno)...
The Joke :
Scene: line for a men's bathroom at a sporting event/concert/crowded bar/small restaurant
Joke: What is this, the ladies room?
That my friends, could possibly be the dumbest joke ever. Earth to dumbass, guys have to wait on lines in places where there are lots of guys. If you go to the garden to see Lynard Skynard, there's going to be a line, dumbass. Why have you not figured this out dumbass, and why do you have to share the dumbest comment ever with me. Do you think you're going to crack everyone up. Sure you may find that other guy who thinks you've just made an insightful comment, but he's a dumbass too. maybe that's why you make that dumbass comment, to help you locate other dumbassess so your life can be replete with dumbass friends.