Wednesday, May 2, 2007

271 is not 227?

ahh, if only we all lived in a world with cool thin moustached handymen

8 million people in an area the size of a large farm is going to cause for some unwanted consternation among its residents. Undoubtedly, if you've had an apartment in NYC you've had a neighbor who in a pain in the arse. Even I, a friend to all, has had my run in with neighbors. However, never have i encoutered such a lengthy feud as the one that has been ongoing with my dowstairs neigbor. Affectionately known as "no sex" my neighbor has constantly complained since i moved in 3 years ago. First it was noise, and to be honset, there were some late loud nights. Once the nosie problem was solved (I lowered my radio) she turned complaint to smell. The accusation, her apartment smelled like cigarettes. In this regard, i listened to and then ignored her complaints. I mean what was i supposed to do? change my life for her. not likely. However, this morning i was awoken by a phone call from my super nice landlord. The complaint, cigarette smell. He wants to send his handyman to my apratment to close open spaces to prevent the smell from seeping through. Of course, the problem with this is that i don't smoke and have not gone near a cigarette in some time. Oh Joy!!! I have writtten this letter to my soon to be devastated neighbor.

"Dear Neighbor - Please leave me alone. I have not smoked a cigarette since November 2006. Ergo, I ask that you turn your mania toward the source of your discontent. Regards, Apt. 5"

There were much longer and sarcastic versions, but i figured i'd go with the short one since y'all have been required to read a book.

OK, on to my physical well being: The good news is that i went to my doctor yesterday and he said everything looked good. also, i finally feel pretty good coming off the last treatment. the bad news is that i am back in the hospital this weekend to recieve another round of treatment. on friday is rituxin and is an outpatient thing. saturday, i am back in for ice and should be released on monday. the same as last time. the good news from this is that after this only one more treatment and i am done. my doctor indicated that by mid-june, after a little time to recover, i should be 100%. once again, please feel free to visit. i will not know any details until friday after 4 and i will provide them then.

as for "ice", no it is not crack, though that would be cool. it's an acronym for the cocktail of drugs they use.

thanks for all the support

Monday, April 30, 2007

Where You Been?

I wonder if certain jobs are filled by people predisposed to being nice. I believe they are. For example, kindegarten teachers would fit into this category. In this regard, I think that deli meat slicers are generally good people. More often than not they will let you try a slice, give you an extra few ounces and generally have a good disposition. I also happen to like NYC bus drivers. On more than a few occassions i have ridden the bus despite having an invalid metro card. By making these statements i do not mean to say all, because nothing is ever 100%, except of course, 100%.

I know it's been a while, but that's all i got for now.