Thursday, March 27, 2008

That's Hilarious

funnier than a fart?

I'll admit, there are times when good old fashioned sophmoric humor still appeals to me. Perhaps the best example of this is the fart, which is only made funnier when it smells. However, in thinking about nothing, I recently realized that something quite funny and quite sophmoric has gone insufficiently addressed for too many years now. You probably know it as being the highest commercially navigable lake in the world located on the border of Peru and Bolivia. I, my friends, know it as:


I just don't think that enough attention has been paid to this place. Think about it, if it was Lake Titi, that would be hilarious; if it was lake Caca, OMG! (Relax, I'm just kidding) But still Lake Caca is really funny. Together, the lake takes silliness to a whole new level.

However, it is my opinion that we have not exploited the hilariousness of this enough. As a kid, I simply do not remember laughing at Lake Titicaca. Maybe I wasn't hanging out with the right crowd, I don't know. It's not really important. What is important is that I have hours of laughing to catch up on.

Accordingly, I am announcing that the week of April 6 through April 12 will be Lake Titicaca week. (I will be away next week and do no want to miss the festivities) . Each weekday during Lake Titicaca week we here at jazzblahg (I have a rather large staff thank you very much) will address Lake Titicaca or otherwise discuss something that can only be classifiied as sophmoric. On Saturday we/I will be celebrating at a Peruvian Restaurant and drinking drinks native to Bolivia. If you would like to join, please leave a comment or contact me via email.

I look forward to seeing everyone (does anyone even read this stupid blog?)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Really, it's Pips?

There are few songs out there so universally appreciated and radio friendly as the Glady Knight classic, "Midnight Train to Georgia." For years, well before the creation of the Ipod, I would sing with joy whenever this masterpiece would grace the radio in my parents' car. You'd think that listenitng to 106.7 and 101.1 I would have heard it with relative frequency; but alas, such was not the case.
Jumping forward a few years, I now own an Ipod and of course, Midnight (that's my pet name for it) is on it. However, after an initial run, I can hardly remember hearing it...until recently!!
I was on my way across town aboard the sometimes fantastic and sometimes frustrating L train when Midnight came on...Oh joy, only five minutes to my final destination...what a wonderful way to arrive...Oh, but it was not to be. My joy was fleeting. In what can only be described as midly disapointing, the Ipod ran out of battery power
Now i will never know how far that superstar got. There are reports that he didn't get far and returned to Georgia on a midnight train, but without Galdys' confirmation, it appears I will have to wait another 6,359 songs to find out