Friday, June 1, 2007

Air Head

This guy purchased canned air.

You know who is a smart guy? The guy who decided to market air in a can. As far as I know, air is free. However, once in can form it is as expensive as lox or a large container of fresh squeezed orange juice. (both more delicious than air in a can)

Today, in an attempt to clean my air conditioner (cleaner, but not any quieter), i purchased said canned air. Now, i know I live in NYC and things cost more here than they should. However, $8.49 plus tax for air is simply ridiculous. I mean it's just canned pressure. Haven't they been selling products in cans with air pressure for a hundred years at a fraction of the price? and don't those cans come with something in them. there is clearly some sort of conspiracy here and i am not happy about it.

anyway, i am going to sit back and relax in my noisy, but cool, apartment.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ice Cream Emptiness

would he be so happy if his scooper failed to push the ice cream into the cone?

You wanna know what really sticks me like a sharp pickle? (of course you do, that's why you've visited)...when the ice cream place doesn't push the ice cream into the cone, but instead leaves the single scoop on top. I'll telll you why this is wriong. First and foremost, when this happens one gets less ice cream. If I've gone out for ice cream obviously I am a fan of ice cream and getting only a single scoop is hardly sufficient to satisfy my craving. I understand that the board says "one scoop" so technically that is all I have asked for; however, for the past one hundred years ice cream parlors have been pushing ice cream into the cone, it's has become the norm and therefore i have a right to expect same...well, maybe it shouldn't be the norm, look how fat america is. wrong, ice cream is not the cause of america's obesity, it's high fructose corn syrup and i've never seen a corn flavored ice cream.

Why else is not pushing the ice cream scoop into the cone wrong? I'm glad you is also wrong because it makes it significantly more difficult to eat and possible loss of ice cream can happen at any time. What i mean by this is as follows. Ice cream is like water, the molecules stick together. So, if one was to push hard on the top portion of the cone, the ice cream "scoop" would be safe. However, if there is nothing in the cone to which the scoop has attached itself, then an accidental push might cause the entire scoop to fall crashing to the floor. this can also occur if the ice cream is held at a 45 degree angle or greater. In this reagrd, you now have two prolmes. one, you have lost your ice cream and two you have sadness. this of course could have been avoided by simply pushing the ice cream into the cone first.

Lastly, and perhaps the most important reason the scoop on top is just plain reaks havoc on the best part of the ice cream cone, the bottom.