Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'll go with 24601

I'm famous dammit

Today, the umteenth time in the past few years I saw a subway ad that read, "Tyler Perry presents...[insert project here]" Let me be the first to say that I congratulate Mr. Peryy on all his success; surely if there is one man in the world who deserves this kind of success it's him. I have only one question though, who the fuck is Tyler Perry?

After two years of this crap on subway walls I still have no idea. Sure, I could go on imdb, but that would be way too easy. Instead, I will continue to assume that Aerosmith and Journey had a love child and named him Tyler Perry.

** according to google photo, the man depcited above is Tyler Perry.

1 comment:

Aja and Evan said...

Tyler/Perry would have made a cool late 70's inbetween projects band for the two Steves. Coverdale/Page.....nah...I'll Tyler Perry, anyday of the week. Listen to those boys sing!