If you are a recurrent reader of this blog you know that I know what's going on in the world of Dunkin Donuts. (Jabba the Goodman; Dunagrees are Neat). I am not exactly sure why I have such an obsession with the purveyor of adequate coffee and donuts, but I do. Nonetheless, as a connoisseur of this franchise, I have intimate knowledge of the inner working of the company and its employees. In this regard I have an answer to the age old question, "why do so many Indians (that's hindu/sihk indians, not native american indians) own/work at dunkin donuts." Well, after thousands of dollars of research and hundreds of hours spent in the lab, the scientific answer to this question is....are you ready...Indians love adequate coffee and donuts. That's it, pretty simple. Really, it seems like a waste of money and lab time. However, and this needs to be investigated further, it is also believed that Indians love to microwave eggs.
I feel its funnier that this Indian Top Chef is named Floyd
you think i missed the boat on this one?
no it was funny ...but you forgot to add that it seems the dunkin donuts indians now also have an affinity for 31 flavors of ice cream
and don't forget Hudson News ...geez, discrimantory hiring practices anyone
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