Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jabba the Goodman

I was watching TV last night when i saw a new commercial for a dunkin donut breakfast sandwhich that included a maple flavored sausage (more on this later). The commercial was of course voiced over by john goodman. now, john goodman is a fine man and solid SNL host. however, i cannot get over that he is the voice for DD. as i listen to him talk about the new cookies or white hot cocoa or breakfast sandwhich i am a little turned off. i have this image in my head of him sitting there like jabba the hut with the time to make the dounut guy chained to him as he, jabba goodman, engulfs the new breakfast sandwich and washes down same with ladles of hot cocoa...the man's fat. someone shoudl tell jabba goodman that running on dunkin only counts as exercise if you actually run, repeating the slogan doesn't help.

now, on to more important issues...the influx of maple syrup in all things breakfast. we, of course have known for many years that syrup makes things better. the bacon as a side of pancakes is better after sautaing (sp?) in syrup; the same is true of sausage. however, it was not until McDonald's itroduced the mcgriddle that we started seeing syrup incorporated into our breakfast sandwhiches. now, with DD's introduction of their new sandwhich and the pancakee/sausage on a stick sold by the daily show, i think the future of mapel syrup and my breakfast is quite bright

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