Monday, February 26, 2007

A Shiny New World (Reprise)

It appears that the momentum from my hair shaving has reached itsapex. One of the world's coolest people has chosen to "go andy." That's right, it was revealed at the oscars last night that Jack is now bald. (and i'm not talking Palance - he was actually last seenmumbling to himself, "i can do a one armed push up...curly's gold!"). Nichalson/Kaye, Kaye/Nichalson, no matter how you say it, it just sounds right...also, because it's jack he will not be getting the"bitemaster award" recently bestowed upon poor britney. even if he has tripped over diane keaton the past few years (who, still looks pretty good for an old brawd) he's still jack.

as for me, i feel fine and nothing has changed....i am just writing because i want to.

also, i have come up with a new saying, bringing my total to 3. the new saying comes when faced with a situation that is for suckers and/or is passe...for example, if someone was to come up to you and say...hey, wanna check out my new portable CD'd say...a portable CD player is like a's for suckers [to properly use [insert sucker item here and then continue] is like's for suckers.

my older sayings inlcude and are limited to...when something does not fit someone at all you say..."yeah, it fits like OJ's glove"...use this at a party and you are gauranteed to be a hit.

my last saying is: "beat like a horse in a glue factory" - which came to me after reading animal farm and requires no further explination.

i hope you all had killer weekends. also, keep you eyes open for a new blog on the internet, i believe there may be one coming soon.


1 comment:

OldHickoryNut said...

I think you're better looking than Jack..but then again, I'm prejudice! And I do mean Nickalson since Palance is no longer with us!